Farmer Johns is a rural merchandise business, with its home base in the famous Barossa Valley, servicing the Central Region of SA with branches at Blyth, Murray Bridge, Nuriootpa and Ramco. We are a fiercely independent, private, family owned company. We support and value the local rural community, and pride ourselves on our ability to meet the needs of our clients through technological advice, support, and the reliable supply of quality products.
Farmer Johns is focused on remaining at the forefront of new farming technology and advice. We are not aligned to a corporate public company, but are a member of the national AgLink group of independent retailers. The issues that you, our primary producer customers, face in the agriculture sector will determine your future.
Our survival in turn is dependent on your prosperity. We are in the growing business together!
Farmer Johns carries a large stock range to cover inputs across all primary producer interests in our market region. This includes water supply and tanks, personal protection products clothing and boots, Castrol oil and associated lubricants, stock feed, fencing and livestock handling equipment, hardware, ammunition, and winemaking supplies.
The list goes on and on ... !

Our agronomy team love to see strong healthy crops on their client partners farms. Their goal is to help growers maximise farm production in a sustainable and economically viable manner for the long game.
Our technical team utilise advanced monitoring tools, mapping and interactive reporting programs to help meet these goals. Regular participation in industry workshops, supplier research staff and sharing information with our Aglink partners keep our agronomy team in front of the pack - we believe our technical team are leaders in our region.
We are with you in the growing business!
Plant Nutrition
Nutrition has become the centre of attention for all primary production segments. As more emphasis is placed on higher yields from a decreasing crop area across the globe, plant nutrition has become a key driver in meeting food production targets.
Environmental awareness, crop utilisation and limitations in economic return need to be balanced in all nutrition applications to ensure that we can continue to farm into the future.
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Barossa Green Brain Weather
Localised and detailed weather data from 17 Green Brain Weather Stations around the Barossa Valley.
Select your closest station(s) to see current and historical data.